A methodological tool to enable Climate Assemblies outcomes on dynamic climate change adaptation plan

CLIMAS project develops a methodological toolkit to follow-up Climate Assembly (CA) outcomes on dynamic climate change adaptation plans and policy frameworks. The project highlights the critical need for a robust mechanism to ensure the effective implementation of recommendations by CAs. Key steps involve establishing governance bodies, effective communication with participants, facilitating deliberative sessions, and developing final policy recommendations. The emphasis is on the follow-up phase, which is crucial for ensuring that recommendations are adopted and implemented, thereby holding governments accountable. For effective follow-up, the tool recommends establishing clear commitments from political authorities and building broad political consensus. Follow-up team’s organisational structures should include dedicated follow-up teams, clear ownership of recommendations, and regular reporting mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability. Furthermore, the project underlines the importance of systematic monitoring and evaluation. The tool proposes a periodic monitoring system, scenario prioritization system for different climate scenarios for both short-term and long-term climate change adaptation plans and the formation of an independent Accountability Board to ensure continuous oversight and stakeholder engagement. This structured approach aims to enhance the effectiveness of Climate Assemblies in driving robust climate policies, fostering citizen engagement, and ensuring the resilience and sustainability of national adaptation strategies.